Wednesday, October 29, 2008

week in review more

Did anyone critique my work?

Kind of but not really. I showed you (Paul) a photograph or two yesterday, but I wasn't too pleased with them and pretty much dismissed them quickly. I will need to re-shoot that photograph with probably about ten big macs instead of one. With ten, the image will be come more appealing and help fill the frame and composition better. Although, tomorrow, Sonali will be critiquing my work.

Motivational/creative moment?

It has to be when i started to shoot all of these anti-portraits. I've shot six rolls of film, and plenty more are going to be shot. I just ordered 20 rolls of Kodak Portra 160 nc because I was running out of film. But, I just found a stash of some older color film that was hiding underneath a bunch of crap in my room. So i have some film to shoot with until that arrive. When I was shooting my work, it was the most motivational and creative time, because I had so much freedom and everything I was shooting looked really good in the frame. I just figured out how to meter better, or at least for what I am going for, so I can't wait to shoot again.

Next Week's Studio?

I want to achieve production. I want to shoot a few things everyday. I need to keep shooting, because it's almost November and I need to keep producing work. Seriously.

What did I achieve in studio?

I achieved shooting a bunch of film, running out of film, and critiquing John H, Jennida, and Hassan's work. I need to achieve more of shooting though.

Artistic Failure?

My first big mac shoot. The frame wasn't strong enough. I scanned in the film and I just didn't really like what I saw. I need more more moer. At least 10 big macs and a bunch of McDonald's bags to go along with it.

Most profound thought?

I'm not too sure. For some reason, when I nailed a couple of beer cans to the wall. My thought was about framing and how simple and strong the framing looked with those beer cans. Although, it's not a completely profound thought, It did look really good in my head. I'm waiting until the film is ready so i can make more judgements about the work.

Visiting Artist?


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